6 November 2020
6 November 2020Sean Kirsten, the 2013 DBREV Scholar, completed his two-year Masters in Business Science (Economics) in 2014. His research topic explored energy efficiency in low cost houses in the Western Cape, using the community of Mamre as a case study. This involved the compilation of a cost benefit analysis and survey report on the importance of ceilings in low cost houses looking at the health, economic and energy benefits. This report will hopefully be used by policy makers to advocate for future ceiling retrofit programmes.
For Sean, the DBREV Scholarship has enabled him to link up with academics and professionals in the energy field to gather information and share thoughts. This has been an invaluable experience in shaping, finalising and gathering momentum for his thesis. Having funding has removed financial pressure and allowed him to focus solely on his Masters and allowed him the freedom to work consistently and diligently.
He is currently working for the Western Cape Provincial Treasury as an Economist. He assists on shaping policy around energy, transport and economic development and the Masters has helped to equip him for his role in creating a better Province for all.